Over 6,000 timesā€”artists from all overā€”have made the choice to get creative with us. And we LOVE it!

It matters to us that YOU love our contentā€”itā€™s why we do what we do!
We understand that it helps to hear from others who have studied with us.

Thankfully, we have oodles of happy artists who have good things to say about their experience with usā€“many who have joined in on all 4 of our previous courses and now belong to Flow!

So itā€™s actually tough to narrow it down all the beautiful comments we receive Ā to a golden few (a ā€˜problemā€™ we love having!) but here we go!


Dreama's class is the best thing you can do for yourself as an artist! She opens up her heart to you as a friend, and shares all of her painting secrets and knowledge. She nurtures your artistic growth as well as your heart! This is my 5th class with Dreama. Flow covers so much. Each class gets better and better. The wonderful community of artists that paint in Flow are very encouraging, and friendly, and they, too, share their knowledge. It is a wonderful place to be!

Terrie C.

Oh where would I be without Dreamaā€™s Flow during these crazy times that we are all going through?! Flow has helped me keep my sanity through this membership. Not only has it gotten me to stretch outside of my box to try new things, Iā€™ve made some great friends as well. I feel like Iā€™ve gotten to know these wonderful people even across the internet boundaries!
I never thought Iā€™d want to try watercolors, but now I find myself playing with them a lot! Itā€™s all so fun! And the anticipation, while waiting to see what Dreama has in store for us each week, is so much a part of the joy I have gotten through Flow! Flow is definitely a win win!!

Terrie P.

Flow is so much more than learning to paint. I've been painting for 40 years and Dreama has brought me to a whole new level. She is teaching me to relax, have the courage to reveal my voice, focus on the pleasure of painting and not the end result, and that quality does not equal perfect. The Flow community are a wonderful group of supportive and like minded people.

Arlene H.

Flow has given me life and joy in greater measure than I thought possible through a hobby. I am a brand new artist: never drawn or painted, but I am having a wonderful time! Honestly, it's been wonderful. No regrets! I'm learning so much and a passion for art is flourishing.

Kimberlee A.

She has chosen the perfect time to offer an experience, not just an art lesson. Iā€™ve learned so much about approaching my painting in a completely different way. Learning to use transparent and opaque oilĀ colors to achieve a luminescence to my painting has kicked my work up a huge notch! That and the camaraderie created by Dreama in her Flow sessions is priceless!

Julie C.Ā 

Not only is Dreama a wonderful teacher, she had also created an amazing group of encouraging and supportive artists! I have painted for a few years now and this course has given me the courage to keep learning and growing and brave enough to share my work when it is complete.

Angela N.Ā 

This offering is just what I need!! I can work in small amounts of time in watercolor. And for the oils, they are so gorgeous that Iā€™m motivated to clear up the calendar and make time. In other words, there is always something to learn/create. And if I need a little motivation, goodness comes in the ā€œSurprise and Delightā€ lesson each month.
The resource library is full of helpfulness when Iā€™m not sure about something.
But the Facebook group, full of incredibly talented artist with years of experience, has got to be the most invaluable tool in all the art world, and it comes with kindness, respect, wisdom, motivation, and oh so much fun. And lastly, Live events with Dreama via Facebook: an incredible time being with her and with everyone in the group, all at the same time, family time!
The question is not ā€œwhy should I sign up?ā€ But ā€œWHEN can I sign up?!ā€

Joyce H.Ā 

I am painting more now than I have in the last five years . If that's all I got from this, it would be worth it but the second and most important thing is Dreama herself. The energy and joy she brings to each lesson is contagious. The content is beautifully presented and easy to follow. The resources, including Ron (tech support), are generous and continuously updated. I've taken courses with a number of teachers over the years, yet have learned so much from Dreama and Flow. I would not hesitate to take any class with her. On another note, when I was waffling back and forth about the finances, my dear friend pointed out that I've spent double that on on courses with less actual instruction when you break it down by each lesson. Finally, it's just plain fun!šŸ’—

Joanne F.Ā 


Monthly online painting classes, inspiration & creative support with Dreama Tolle Perry